Genuine Clean Premium UK manufactured Supplements

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Clean Mucuna (2 capsules per day) - British Supplements
Clean Mucuna (2 capsules per day) - British Supplements
Clean Mucuna (2 capsules per day) - British Supplements
Clean Mucuna (2 capsules per day) - British Supplements
Clean Mucuna (2 capsules per day) - British Supplements
Clean Mucuna (2 capsules per day) - British Supplements

P********s huge improvement!

"So my mum was diagnosed with p********s about 8 years ago. I’m always looking for alternative m*******s. I don’t like or have never believed the crap they give her helps at all."

  • Quality - The best quality money can buy

  • Potent - Strongest Supplements available most of the time
  • Clean - We don't add any fillers, binder's or bulker's to our Supplements
  • Private - Privately owned company, with no intentions of going public. Quality and integrity come first then profit to help us grow.
  • UK - All of our supplements are manufactured in the UK
The more you buy the more you save

Research (know what you want) - Decide - Try Different Brands - Find what works for you and stick with it.

  • CLEAN MUCUNA EXTRACT - 240mg of Munca extract (99% L-Dopa) which is 237.6mg of L-Dopa + Uptake blend 27mg per capsule.

  • CLEAN PRODUCTS - No Nasty Extras - No Fillers - No Binders - Now improved with uptake blend - One of the Strongest Available - UK Manufactured

  • VEGAN - Vegetarian - Gluten Free - Chemical Free Packaging BPA free - 100% Active Ingredient thats it :)

  • CHECK THE SMALL PRINT - Please check the ingredient(s) list on your supplements, 99.9% all use binders, fillers etc We don't use any of these.

Our Goal is to offer you Premium Clean Supplements at High Doses so they have the best chance to help us.

Review terms

The reviews expressed below are the opinion of British Supplement customers. British Supplements does not endorse these views, nor should they be regarded as medical advice or health claims. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews

Hi all,
I have now been on macuna for 3 weeks was mainly for leg cramps and aches as I could not settle at night for restless legs.
Seen an improvement though and will carry on with this to see if it calms down.
Used BS for a while now and can truly say that I wouldn't go anywhere else for my supplements.
Keep up the great work Chris, I try to let as many people know about this company as I can.
Cheers Lorraine

Janice Bowman

Great item with 5htp instead of antidepressants.

Peter Booth
Parkinsons huge improvement!

So my mum was diagnosed with parkinsons about 8 years ago. I’m always looking for alternative medicines. I don’t like or have never believed the crap they give her helps at all.

Cut a long story short-ish. I stumbled across Mucuna and started researching L-dopa. She was on Madapar from her doctors. Has never made any difference whatsoever and if you know about madapar, then you’ll know you eventually become resilient to it and thus it eventually becomes ineffective.

She been on this 2 tablets a day of Mucuna for 3 weeks and has completely came off the madapar. Her motor skills have noticeably improved and so has her cognitive function. It’s honestly remarkable how better she is. Little things like when she texts me, she was always sending random stuff and loads of errors etc. Now her texts are grammatically perfect with punctuation.

If you know anyone who has Parkinsons and is taking Madapar then PLEASE get them off it and try this. Also, your system never gets used to the Mucuna so it will always work. Thanks for an amazing product!!

Laura Tejada
Mucuna Matata - Energy, good mood and focus

So I and my wife are performance coaches for tech scale-up leaders and recently my wife started to struggle with brain fog. She had no energy in the afternoons and after giving all to her clients, by the end of the day.. really around 4pm, wanted to go to bed.
We did throid testing, hormone testing, menopause testing, heavy metals hair strand testing, stool tests, various scans,
and normal health testing as she is vegetarian so thought it could be iron. All came back very good. Which was actually a little frustrating... We also kept a food log and followed intolerance tests and removed all sugar.

Still, low energy and with business being busy, this was starting to become a concern.

We take a health stack from BS as well as a performance stack which we adjust depending on life. Thought we would try Mucuna after reading up on it...
Literally 1 capsule, not 2 on the same day, she had energy, focus and a good mood ALL DAY. We checked on day 2 and the same. Had a break for day 3 after reading a Dave Asprey blog about Mucuna and how you should use when needed, other wise your body can get used to it, so now we use it on big training and coaching days.
It's honestly amazing. Whatever the brain fog and lack of energy was, it's lifted it. No jitters which we don't drink more than 1 coffee a day so would feel, no feeling down which alongside high levels of gabapentin (for nerve entrapment) is a daily challenge and amazing deep sleep. The first night she had just over 8 hours with 1.5 hours in deep sleep, waking up ready to go. It's a great side effect! Oh and with higher moods, hello bedroom time ;)
Alongside the health stack of D3 and K2, Magnesium, C, Tumeric, B12 and A, and a performance stack which we pick and mix depending on the month of Lions Main (when needed), Reishi, NMN, ashwagandha (when needed for good sleep and focus as well as adapting to high stress times), Rhodiola, Alpha GPC, Tonga Ali (for the gym) and Resveratol (pairs with NMN for cell reproduction). We also take Collagen for gut health with glutamine which we pop into our daily coffees. Of course probiotics and minerals (salts and iodine etc). I can now say, until any peri menopauses hit, we have finally found the balance and knocked those tired days on the head. So, back to performance.

That and healthy organic real food (it isn't as expensive as you may think) daily walks, filtered water (we use reverse osmosis), less screen time, and intense strength workouts twice a week via 10x(amazing gains and body shape changes). We both have reduced our biological age by almost 10 years each! I'm 37 but after testing, apparently, 27 and feel loads better than when I was 27 as I didn't prioirtise my health. So, Dave Asprey and David Sinclair, watch out LOL :-D

Honestly, we can't rate BS highly enough, and this supplement! If you are into biohacking and need that boost here and there. Take it! It's better than blue methylene (smurf tongue) and loads cheaper! You also don't look like an idiot. Just stage it so you really feel the benefit when it's needed.

liam p
Macuna (feel good herb)

I suffer with ongoing stress and anxiety, and to be fair I’m absolutely sick and tired of it. It all stems back to my childhood however I emailed the guys at bs for advice on what was a good herb or stack to take to remedy these symptoms! I’ve been taking rhodalia rosea from bs which is excellent but I was curious to know if other potentially beneficial herbs exist. The guys at bs recommended macuna stacked with lions mane and Ashwaganda. I have to say just after a few days of using macuna I felt so much calmer and happier, similiar to rhodalia, I already have lions mane and I’ve just purchased Ashwaganda, so really looking forward to taking these.

Mucuna Extract 240mg per capsule sold as two per day.

Supplement details

Product Name: Mucuna Pruriens Extract

Scientific Name: Mucuna Pruriens

Other Known Names: Velvet bean, Bengal velvet bean, Florida velvet bean, Mauritius velvet bean, Yokohama velvet bean, cowage, cowitch, lacuna bean, and Lyon bean

What is it ? Mucuna pruriens is a tropical legume

The US National Library of *Censored* and National Institutes of *Censored* says about Mucuna extract: Mucuna is an established herbal *Censored* used for the management of male *Censored**Censored*, and also as an *Censored*. It has been shown that its seeds are potentially of substantial *Censored* importance. The ancient Indian *Censored* system, Ayurveda, traditionally used M. pruriens, even to *Censored* such things as *Censored* *Censored*M. pruriens has been shown to have anti-*Censored* and *Censored* effects, which may be related to its anti-oxidant activity. In addition, anti-oxidant activity of M. pruriens has been also demonstrated in vitro by its ability to scavenge DPPH radicals and reactive oxygen species. In this review the *Censored* properties of M. pruriens are summarized.

*** Censored as there is no freedom of speech in the UK due to the ongoing partnership between Big Pharma and the UK Gov (MHRA). They dont want you to have more information. They dont want you to try something other than their one way health system that is Big Pharma lab made pills. So there is zero freedom of speech on such things in the UK because Big Pharma pretty much runs the MHRA ***

Which part of the plant is used ? The seeds

Strength / Specs ? 99% L-Dopa

Extraction method ? Water

What exactly do we get ? Each Capsule has 240mg Mucuna Extract - 99% L-Dopa which is 237.6mg L-Dopa. Uptake blend 27mg 1:1:1: Black Pepper extract (10% piperine), Ginger extract (5% Ginerol), Cumin extract (10:1) per capsule. We sell all of our products in monthly packs so it's easy to buy and rebuy things that help us.


Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews

Hi all,
I have now been on macuna for 3 weeks was mainly for leg cramps and aches as I could not settle at night for restless legs.
Seen an improvement though and will carry on with this to see if it calms down.
Used BS for a while now and can truly say that I wouldn't go anywhere else for my supplements.
Keep up the great work Chris, I try to let as many people know about this company as I can.
Cheers Lorraine

Janice Bowman

Great item with 5htp instead of antidepressants.

Peter Booth
Parkinsons huge improvement!

So my mum was diagnosed with parkinsons about 8 years ago. I’m always looking for alternative medicines. I don’t like or have never believed the crap they give her helps at all.

Cut a long story short-ish. I stumbled across Mucuna and started researching L-dopa. She was on Madapar from her doctors. Has never made any difference whatsoever and if you know about madapar, then you’ll know you eventually become resilient to it and thus it eventually becomes ineffective.

She been on this 2 tablets a day of Mucuna for 3 weeks and has completely came off the madapar. Her motor skills have noticeably improved and so has her cognitive function. It’s honestly remarkable how better she is. Little things like when she texts me, she was always sending random stuff and loads of errors etc. Now her texts are grammatically perfect with punctuation.

If you know anyone who has Parkinsons and is taking Madapar then PLEASE get them off it and try this. Also, your system never gets used to the Mucuna so it will always work. Thanks for an amazing product!!

Laura Tejada
Mucuna Matata - Energy, good mood and focus

So I and my wife are performance coaches for tech scale-up leaders and recently my wife started to struggle with brain fog. She had no energy in the afternoons and after giving all to her clients, by the end of the day.. really around 4pm, wanted to go to bed.
We did throid testing, hormone testing, menopause testing, heavy metals hair strand testing, stool tests, various scans,
and normal health testing as she is vegetarian so thought it could be iron. All came back very good. Which was actually a little frustrating... We also kept a food log and followed intolerance tests and removed all sugar.

Still, low energy and with business being busy, this was starting to become a concern.

We take a health stack from BS as well as a performance stack which we adjust depending on life. Thought we would try Mucuna after reading up on it...
Literally 1 capsule, not 2 on the same day, she had energy, focus and a good mood ALL DAY. We checked on day 2 and the same. Had a break for day 3 after reading a Dave Asprey blog about Mucuna and how you should use when needed, other wise your body can get used to it, so now we use it on big training and coaching days.
It's honestly amazing. Whatever the brain fog and lack of energy was, it's lifted it. No jitters which we don't drink more than 1 coffee a day so would feel, no feeling down which alongside high levels of gabapentin (for nerve entrapment) is a daily challenge and amazing deep sleep. The first night she had just over 8 hours with 1.5 hours in deep sleep, waking up ready to go. It's a great side effect! Oh and with higher moods, hello bedroom time ;)
Alongside the health stack of D3 and K2, Magnesium, C, Tumeric, B12 and A, and a performance stack which we pick and mix depending on the month of Lions Main (when needed), Reishi, NMN, ashwagandha (when needed for good sleep and focus as well as adapting to high stress times), Rhodiola, Alpha GPC, Tonga Ali (for the gym) and Resveratol (pairs with NMN for cell reproduction). We also take Collagen for gut health with glutamine which we pop into our daily coffees. Of course probiotics and minerals (salts and iodine etc). I can now say, until any peri menopauses hit, we have finally found the balance and knocked those tired days on the head. So, back to performance.

That and healthy organic real food (it isn't as expensive as you may think) daily walks, filtered water (we use reverse osmosis), less screen time, and intense strength workouts twice a week via 10x(amazing gains and body shape changes). We both have reduced our biological age by almost 10 years each! I'm 37 but after testing, apparently, 27 and feel loads better than when I was 27 as I didn't prioirtise my health. So, Dave Asprey and David Sinclair, watch out LOL :-D

Honestly, we can't rate BS highly enough, and this supplement! If you are into biohacking and need that boost here and there. Take it! It's better than blue methylene (smurf tongue) and loads cheaper! You also don't look like an idiot. Just stage it so you really feel the benefit when it's needed.

liam p
Macuna (feel good herb)

I suffer with ongoing stress and anxiety, and to be fair I’m absolutely sick and tired of it. It all stems back to my childhood however I emailed the guys at bs for advice on what was a good herb or stack to take to remedy these symptoms! I’ve been taking rhodalia rosea from bs which is excellent but I was curious to know if other potentially beneficial herbs exist. The guys at bs recommended macuna stacked with lions mane and Ashwaganda. I have to say just after a few days of using macuna I felt so much calmer and happier, similiar to rhodalia, I already have lions mane and I’ve just purchased Ashwaganda, so really looking forward to taking these.